Wednesday 30 November 2011

Don't Text & Drive

Name: Camelia a/p Vijaya Kumar
ID: B1000978
Theme: No Phone Zone
Title: Don't Text & Drive
Tagline: Don't Text & Drive
Description: In this picture, we can see there is half man and another half of a skeleton. It shows that the men is driving and if he uses his mobile phone, he will turn out to be a skeleton which means death. The red text that i have used in my picture, makes the viewer feel the awareness and the hard feeling that using a mobile phone when you are driving will lead to death.


Sunday 13 November 2011

Final Design

Mobile Phone Leads to Death!
Millions of driver’s are talking on the cell phone, checking their email, and even texting while they are driving. Although most drivers seem to understand the message not to “drink and drive,” they are less aware of the risks of cell phone use while driving. Many cell phone users don’t realizing that by taking their focus off of the road they are just as bad as a drunk driver, and when it comes to texting they’re even worse. Oprah Winfrey wants viewers to stop using cell phones in the car and take the NO Phone Zone Pledge.

Phone = Death on The Road
Hobo Std font for the word Mobile Phone Leads to Death!

Don’t Text & Drive
This is what Oprah Winfrey had to say about cell phone use while driving “It is my prayer that this show, this day will be a seminal day in your life,” Oprah says. “Let it be the end, the end of you using a cell phone or sending a text message when you are behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. And until we as a nation decide we’re going to change that, those numbers are only going to go up.” Please sign the No Phone Zone pledge and share this important information with those that you love.

The Effect
Hobo Std for the word of No Phone Zone,
and also the word Don’t Text & Drive.

Your Final Destination
Did you know that when you text or use a cell phone while driving you significantly increase the chances of having an accident? It is the equivalent of having 4 drinks while driving! You are driving with a decreased attention span. It is called "Distracted Driving! “ You are not only putting your life in jeopardy but the lives of many others as well! The show is inclusive of many who have experienced the consequences of someone using a cell phone while driving. The statistics of the many casualties are mesmerizing and alarming!

The Grim Reaper’s Warning
Stencil for the word of No Phone Zone
and Hobo Std for the word Your Final Destination.


Visual Concept Description
Basically three of the design brings out the feeling or meaning that mobile phone might lead to a person’s death. Three of the posters are basically on the road and in the car. This means that, while a person is on the road and driving a car, they must not play with their mobile phone.

Colour Theory Analysis
In my drawing, all the color that I used is the original color that we see every day. For example, human body color, blood color which is red, road which is back and others.

Elements of Design Analysis
In all of my drawings, the lines that I used are the curve and straight line. Even while coloring I used both of this lines. This is to make the picture look more artistic and look more like a drawing.
In all of my drawings, I used the dark color to emphasize the darkness of a person’s life if they use mobile phone when they are driving.
Eye Movement
For the “The Grim Reaper’s Warning” poster, there is eye movement contact which is where they will look at the grim reaper then only to the 2 cartoon man’s eye view.

Principle of Design Analysis
The first thing that a person will look at will be the grim reaper because it is located in the middle and it has dark colors. Then only they will move on the man who is driving the car and notice he is holding a hand phone on his hand.
All of the posters that I have drawn is based on the asymmetrical balance drawing.
All of the posters that I have drawn can be seen that is it connected to every elements or parts of the drawing.
There is one poster where it has the scale when you look at it. You can see the grim reaper flying over towards you and you are basically sitting behind the two men’s who is sitting in front.